Advance the gospel


There are 20 million people following Tibetan Buddhism, stretching across Asia from the Tuvans in Siberia to the Sherpa in the Himalayas.  OMF desires to see mission mobilization among the Mongolians and other unreached and unengaged people groups, as many have no known believers.  Let’s help OMF work with local partners to:

Strategically distributing culturally sensitive tools

They are primarily oral learners in remote Himalayan and Siberian regions; therefore, we will share the Gospel in their local languages through arts and media.

Discipleship training of new believers

Due to the pressure to return to former beliefs, we will work with national leaders who use discipleship programs specific for Tibetan Buddhist background believers and support faith maturity.

Leadership Development

We are empowering local leaders to become trainers of the next generation of believers. These trainers will identify believers with leadership potential to participate in customized spiritual formation training.

Together we can

By God’s grace, your partnership will help fulfill the vision of urgent evangelization within the unreached Tibetan Buddhist communities where a younger generation of believers are equipped as disciple-makers to reach their people.